Like a bad penny, Johnny Destino has turned up again. Instead of being thankful that Paul Dyster gave him a job (probably to prevent the Political Terrorist from going after him) at City Hall, now Destino is going to run again for the Niagara Falls School Board. Wow!! Destino served on the board for I believe one term and after making a big stink in the beginning, rarely accomplished anything. It's amazing now that he is promising to turn the district around by emphasizing the need for vocational education. Oops, I forgot he did accomplish something: he got his wife a job and then decided not to run for re-election.
Initially Destino the Demagogue talked about a vocational school in Niagara Falls. After he caught flack for the utter stupidity of having another school in a declining populated city, he has switched gears by saying that he is going to get BOCES to bring more classes into Niagara Falls. Hmmmm...I wonder how this sudden revelation hit you Johnny?? This never occurred to you when you were on the board before?? Oh and by the way Johnny, why weren't you jumping up and down when the Administration that you work for was working to give the Board building on 6th & Walnut to a methadone clinic instead of to BOCES for a training center?? I'm sure your silence had all to do with not rocking the boat so you could keep your job.
Destino indicates in the Reporter that he invited the Board to come out to BOCES and only one member showed up. Well, what Johnny doesn't tell you is that the Board had Niagara Falls students present at a Board meeting what they were doing at BOCES. I know this because a friend of mine, who lives in Niagara Falls, was one of those children. From what he and his wife said, the Board was very interested and encouraged by the work of these children and committed to the vocational opportunities presented by BOCES.
In the Reporter, Destino lauds the incredibly successful Isiah 61 Project. This is the program who's executive director skipped town, who were illegally getting electrical power when they were located on Hyde Park Boulevard and who have re-built one house in 5 years here in Niagara Falls. Hmmm....great example of success. By the way, does anyone know where the money the City gave to this program went??? Maybe Johnny knows though I doubt it.
The Demagogue called into question answers given at the candidates forum about the Business First rankings. Hmmmm...where were you Johnny that night??? I didn't see your picture in the Gazette. No it's easier to throw bombs instead of having the courage to state your opinions in front of the other candidates. But that's typical of a demagogue and that typifies the storied political career of Destino the Demagogue.
Hopefully, the residents of Niagara Falls will send a message: Johnny be happy you have a job and leave us all alone.
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