Monday, February 22, 2016

One Party Rule Hurting Taxpayers

The 2 largest government entities in the Niagara County, the City of Niagara Falls & Niagara County, are governed by one party and the result has been decisions made that have not always benefited taxpayers and makes one wonder if good government is being substituted for good politics. Let's take a look at the County and their search for a new County Manager.

Minority Leader Dennis Virtuoso has called the hiring process a sham and the recent withdrawal of  Dan Ward as a candidate for the position would seem to support Virtuoso's claim. It's pretty transparent to see that things are lining up for former Majority Leader Rick Updegrove to be the County's next County Manager. While Updegrove is an attorney and a former legislator, what administrative experience does he have? Being an attorney and a part-time legislator is a far cry from being a full time day-to-day manager of a multi-million dollar operation.  I find it hard to believe that Updegrove is the best candidate for this job. According to one newspaper report, the County did very little to advertise for the top administrative position in the County.

Now let's take a look at Niagara Falls. The chief administrative officer for the City is the City Administrator Donna Owens. But for the failed garbage/recycling program, is there anything else that Owens has done? Her administrative abilities are so bad that the Financial Advisory Committee has recommended that the City create a Budget Director position. Shouldn't that be the job of the City Administrator???

In both instances, the problem is that there is no loyal opposition that will call the controlling party out. In the county, the Republicans have an 11-4 majority. They can do pretty much anything they want. As a result, political favors are paid which doesn't mean that the taxpayers best interest is always considered.

Niagara Falls is just the opposite. The Democrats control the Council and the Mayor's office which has led to the misuse of casino dollars and political favors paid without regard for the taxpayers. It's a damn shame.

Both parties deserve blame.  The problem is neither of them can find and run good candidates. There is no one in government holding the party in power accountable.  As a result, it's one party rule and who gets the shaft: the taxpayers!!!!

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