Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year Observations

Unfortunately, I have not been able to provide as many posts as I would have liked with raising a 18 month old and caring for elderly parents.  But I'm hoping 2014 will allow me to write more as it seems that there is plenty going on and not necessarily for the better.  Here are some of my observations heading into 2014:

* Mayor Paul Dyster got what he wished for with the defeat of Sam Fruscione.  While I did not think Fruscione's position on the funding of the Arts Center & the Block Clubs were right, it may prove that he was right on the Hamister deal.  Has anyone seen what this agreement says?  Do we know what hotel chain will be coming in?  What retail and/or restaurant is going on the property??  Makes one wonder what lies ahead for this piece of property.

* I was extremely encouraged to hear Charles Walker say that he is not going to categorize any group of three council persons as a "Majority".  Walker, as the new Council Chair, indicated that he viewed his role as being a conduit for all of the council in dealing with the Executive Branch.  Walker was a wise choice to lead the Council and hopefully he can restore some sanity to this body.

* It will be interesting to see how Kristen Grandinetti performs in her second term of office.  Hopefully, its better than her first term which was highlighted by her taking payments from the City that she wasn't entitled to.  I have absolutely no respect for her.

* Dyster now has no more excuses for getting things done in the City.  However, his biggest failure has been his inability to make sure that the City never gets so dependent on casino money.  Unfortunately, he has done the exact opposite.  You spend $300,000 dollars on computer hardware and software upgrades using casino money??  What a joke!!

* The Niagara County Legislature will continue to have its one party rule which led to over-inflated raises for political appointments while giving others less and giving nothing to union employees.  The Majority Caucus are the biggest bunch of hypocrites going as the only reason taxes were lowered was because of an increase in sales tax and using more surplus money.  How about cutting some of the patronage??

* Our state officials are up for re-election and I'm wondering who will run against my Assemblyman John Ceretto.  This guy is a total buffoon.  He has voted to increase my property taxes by voting against the County's sales tax request and has not come up with one proposal that will reduce costs and mandates to local government.  Here's hoping that Bob Restaino considers another run since he came up with some legitimate proposals to reduce costs to the county, particularly in the area of Medicaid.  Ceretto voted for a property tax cap while pushing more mandated costs onto the county.  It's embarrassing to call this guy my assemblyman.

* I really don't care who runs against Senator Maziarz because he will win.  I only hope that the Senator thinks about doing what''s right for Niagara County, which includes Niagara Falls, even if it means working with local Democrats.

* Other than if he is running against wacko Carl Palladino, I will not vote for Andrew Cuomo.  To me he is a fraud and and arrogant one at that.  What has he done for Niagara County??  Can't think of one thing.  If Palladino runs against Cuomo, I will be writing in the "Rent Is To Damn High" guy!!

* I am so sick of the partisan bullshit that goes on in Washignton, Lockport and Niagara Falls that it almost turns me off from caring.  But I have a little girl that I would hope can grow up and raise a family here so I have to care.

* By the way, has anyone heard how many young people have re-located to Niagara Falls as a result of the Live-NF program??  I thought this was a good idea but I'd like to know what the results have been.  Typically no news means that's nothing is happening because if there was something positive to report we would be hearing about it.

* Well, here's hoping 2014 is better than 2013.