Nick Pelosino is an announced candidate for Niagara Falls City Court Judge. He faces Alan Roscetti and James Faso in what will be this year's hotly contested race in Niagara Falls. On his facebook page, Mr. Pelosino indicates that he will not look for any party endorsements because he believes that judges need to be apolitical. This is really a noble concept however Mr. Pelosino's recent actions tell a different story.
In looking at campaign contributions over the last few years, Mr. Pelosino donated thousands of dollars to a Supreme Court Candidate. He also has made significant contributions to the local Democratic and Republican parties, including underwriting a Niagara Falls fundraiser for Congressman Brian Higgins. For someone who believes that judges need to be apolitical, one could see that Mr. Pelosino's donation history would indicate that he was paving the way for some endorsements when he made his run for public office. A classic case of "pay to play" which seems to have dominated our political process.
There is nothing wrong with Mr. Pelosino's making campaign contributions. But what is wrong is misleading the voting public by trying to make people think that you are above politics. People want their judges to be honest and it appears that Mr. Pelosino's actions don't match up with his words. Just what we don't need in a judge.
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