On Thursday Mayor Dyster gave his 2013 State of the City address. Ho hum. The speech was filled with platitudes and promises but little on addressing issues that really are on the minds of city residents. Dyster's comparison to the city's current plight with the unfinished Capitol building during the Civil War was bizarre. I'm glad the Mayor was paying attention to Senator Schumer at the Inauguration but the analogy illustrates how out of touch he is with the residents of the City. People need to be given hope and leaders are to inspire and provide that hope. But after five years in office, Dyster has provided little of either. In fact, things have gotten worse.
Based upon the Gazette article, there was nothing reported as to how Dyster was planning on dealing with the lack of casino revenue owed to the city. Is he going to meet with the Governor?? If the city goes another year without the casino cash, what is his plan for the 2014 budget?? It appears none of this was addressed as Dyster is smarter than us all and figured he could give the people references to Lincoln and they will be happy.
Then of course we read the enlightened words of City Council Chairman Glenn Choolokian. While I agree with Choolokian that Dyster said nothing about the city's fiscal issues, what was troubling was his reference to the "council majority". Hmmm. What does the triumvirate of Choolokian, Sam Fruscione and Bob Anderson have in mind for city residents?? Will Choolokian have his own state of the city address?? Did city residents elect these three to act as a voting bloc??
While reading this article, I couldn't help but think that both Dyster and Choolokian must believe that they are like national politicians. For example, it has become a tradition in presidential state of the union addresses for the President to acknowledge someone in the audience who has made a contribution in their community. Dyster, feeling his presidential self, acknowledged Norma Higgs for her volunteer work and that of the NF Blcok Club Council. The fact that Higgs is a cheerleader for whoever occupies the mayor's office shows the depth of her convictions and that of the Block Club Council. I'm trying to think of what contribution to Niagara Falls that Higgs has personally made. Other than writing those meandering columns of the good old days of Niagara Falls, I can't think of any. With respect to the Block Club Council, their effectiveness in making any significant changes to city neighborhoods is limited based upon the lack of jobs and increased crime throughout the city.
While Dyster and Choolokian play the role of Obama and Boehner, residents of the City are set to endure another year of battle between the Mayor and the "Council Majority". Because of Dyster's inability to provide leadership, Choolokian and Company is filling the void which is a scary proposition based upon the people aligned with the so called Council Majority. Maybe the best thing that could happen to city residents is if the Mayor and the Council Majority stop watching Fox News and MSNBC and start listening to the people who elected them.
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