Monday, February 18, 2013

More Flip-flops from John Ceretto

As you can see Assemblyman John Ceretto is at it again.  More platitudes and cliches but no substance.  This time our esteemed Assemblyman is talking about the Robert Moses Parkway.  As many of you know, whether to remove the parkway from Lewiston to Niagara Falls has been a constant debate for many years now.  Two lanes of it have been closed to be used by bikers, dog walkers and joggers.  There are two lanes that still are opened and this is where the focus has been.

Former Mayor Dick Soluri, a Ceretto ally, has led the charge to keep the parkway open.  The Niagara Heritage group wants that stretched of the parkway from Niagara Falls to Lewiston to be completely closed to traffic.  In typical Ceretto fashion, the Master Flip-Flopper has been on both sides of the issue.  As a town councilman and county legislator, Ceretto wanted the parkway to remain open.  Last year, involved in a highly contested re-election campaign, Ceretto changed his tune and said he wanted to have the parkway closed from the Falls to Findlay Drive.

Now with the Draft Scoping Review due out on Wednesday, Ceretto has taken to You Tube to say we have been waiting too long and that the parkway has hindered economic development in Niagara Falls.  So let me ask you Mr. Ceretto: what is your plan???  What side of the fence are you on now??

People really need to focus on the changing positions of John Ceretto.  He flips more that a pancake.  In 2000, he wanted to develop a bike path along the parkway running the entire length of the north parkway.  In 2008, he wanted a trolley that would move people from downtown Niagara Falls to Lewiston using the parkway.  In 2012, he wants the parkway to be closed from the Falls to Findlay Drive.  Funny how his position changes based upon the elected position he holds.  You see in 2000 he was a Town of Lewiston Councilman and in 2008 he was a Niagara County Legislator representing Lewiston.  In both instances, Lewiston business leaders and the Village of Lewiston Mayor Dick Soluri wanted the parkway to remain opened.  But in 2012, involved in a race for Assembly that included the City of Niagara Falls, Ceretto changes his position and advocates a compromise in response to residents in the Deveaux area and the hope that traffic could be diverted to Main Street via Whirlpool Street.

This is just one example of how this guy operates.  Check out his voting record on extending the county's 1% sales tax when he was a county legislator and as a NYS Assemblyman.  Check out how he voted for the property tax cap but voted in favor of a budget that pushed costs on to local government.  Be informed!!!

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