Thursday's Niagara Gazette article on the Niagara County Legislature's first meeting of 2013 re-affirmed many residents opinion that this group is the most do-nothing legislative body this side of the United States Congress. Unbelievably, these part-time over paid legislators will now work even less as they have decided to cut the number of meetings in a year down from 19 to 15. That means that they will meet only once in February, April, June, July, September, October and November. They will not meet at all in August. What a joke!!!
There was a time where they met twice a month, every month of the year. That was 24 meetings. Now they are down to 15 meetings a year. These people make over $15,000 a year for a part-time job. They make the same amount of money that the legislators made who met 24 times as opposed to 15 times. While they have not given their employees a raise and expect them to continue to work their required hours, these guys can work less hours and make the same amount of money. I don't know where else someone would receive the same amount of pay for less hours of work. Something is wrong with this picture.
The article was also of interest because Chairman-for-Life Bill Ross gave his annual speech. Ross was lamenting the fact that the County had to live within the State-imposed property tax cap even though there was no significant mandate relief. I wonder if Ross and the rest of the Majority Caucus had the stones to express to Senator Maziarz and Assemblyman Ceretto their displeasure with the fact that both of our esteemed state representatives voted for the property tax cap while shifting costs onto the county. My guess is they didn't. In fact, they all campaigned for the both of them last year.
If you want to know why this county is in the shape that it is in, you only need to look at the Do-Nothing Niagara County Legislature. Not a lot of energy and work but a lot of hot air!!!
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