Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Niagara County: Home Of The Cowards

Yesterday, the State of New York passed the most comprehensive gun control bill in the country and of course all of our brave state representatives voted against the bill.  Our distinguished State Senator George Maziarz said that while there were some good points to the bill, he had to vote no because he heard from over 1,000 constituents who were opposed to it.  Assemblywoman Jane Corwin said that the bill was spawned as a result of the Newtown, Connecticut incident and that the bill didn't address what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School.  And then there is good old Assemblyman John Ceretto who was troubled by the closed-door process involved with the passage of the bill.  Aren't you glad to be representative by these three??

Did you read anything that exhibited any leadership??  Maziarz said that in spite of some good points in the bill he had to vote no because he received over a 1,000 calls from constituents that were opposed to the bill.  Senator, do you take a poll of your constituents every time you take a vote??  Weren't you sent to Albany to lead as opposed to follow??

None of these three so-called elected leaders have said a thing since Sandy Hook.  We have not heard what their plan would be to deal with the increasing gun violence, particularly here in Niagara County.  But why would you hear anything.  You see they were all endorsed by the NRA, SCOPE and the Conservative Party and they wouldn't dare cross any of them.  In the end, these three made sure that their interests were protected first as opposed to the interests of our children.

If these three were so concerned about this issue, why didn't they hold town hall meetings to get input from all of their constituents.  I'm sure that none of the calls that Maziarz received came from the inner cities of Niagara Falls and Lockport.  I'm sure Ceretto didn't reach out to anyone inside Niagara Falls.  He complained about the rushed closed door process.  But John, throughout your re-election campaign you talked about how close you were with the Governor.  You mean to tell me that you weren't aware that the Governor was going to push this in early January??

I'm sure that all three are very happy with themselves as they can go back to their benefactors and pound their chests with pride.  It's a sad state of affairs here in Niagara County where our elected leaders are more concerned with protecting their own interests as opposed to our interests.  But what do you expect from our so-called elected leaders.  The next time they tell you they are strong supporters of public safety, ask them why they want Bushmasters and semi-automatic machine guns out on the street.  Ask them why they want people to have the ability to amass arsenals of ammunition, including cop-killer bullets that explode upon contact with their target.  The fact of the matter is all three are hypocrites and cowards.

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