Thursday, November 9, 2017

Bill: The Next Ezra??

Well, the results are in and it was clear that Niagara Falls voters like new faces as newcomers William Kennedy and Chris Voccio were elected to the City Council along with incumbent Andy Touma.  From many Niagara Falls residents, including my wife's parents, I was told that they appreciated those candidates who visited their home throughout the summer and fall.  Both Kennedy and Voccio ran a quite aggressive door-to-door campaign and it paid off.

While Voccio sold himself as a budget hawk with an emphasis on the need for cuts to the City budget, Mr. Kennedy presented himself as a young guy looking to get involved to make the city that he grew up in a better place to live.  It seems clear that voters like the idea of a fresh face and particularly a young hometown candidate looking to make a difference.

The same scenario played out in 2015 when a young hometown candidate ran an aggressive door-to-door campaign.  As Bill Kennedy was the top vote getter this past Tuesday, Ezra Scott was top vote getter in the 2015 election.  While there were high hopes for Mr. Scott, it's safe to say that Scott's performance on the Council up to this point has not met the promise of 2015.  The City Council's main function is to oversee the City's finances and Ezra seems to go along with whatever the Mayor comes up with which has just dug the hole deeper for the City.

There was plenty of discussion on social media as to the work background of Bill Kennedy.  In what had been presented, one would have to question how Mr. Kennedy will be able to deal with the fiscal problems that are facing Niagara Falls.  From what was in the local media, when asked about how to solve the City's financial problem Mr. Kennedy's response was that the tax base needed to be expanded by bringing in more businesses.  You can't disagree with that position however that has been a theme for years and will not address the immediate problem: the City is facing a major shortfall now!!  Bill has talked about looking to merge some functions with the County and I think that's great but more will need to be done.

Will the promise of the 2017 Election be realized two years from now or will Bill Kennedy be the next Ezra Scott? 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pascoal/Kennedy backed by Police Unions

While heading home from a nice dinner at Buzzy's, we came across a large billboard on Niagara Falls Boulevard endorsing Bob Pascoal and Bill Kennedy for Niagara Falls City Council.  At first I thought: "Wow, bi-partisanship which is badly needed throughout government."  But as I got closer I saw that the Niagara Falls Police Unions were responsible for the billboard.  Hmmm....interesting.

There is a lot of criticism, and rightfully so, that Mayor Dyster has placated city unions in order to get their support.  And it's clear that Andy Touma and Grandinetti have union support.  But now we find that Kennedy and Pascoal fall into the same boat.  Kennedy doesn't surprise me as it appears that he has the support of the fire unions.  But, what's up with Pascoal??

What's hard to understand is how can people who will be tasked with making some tough financial decisions be willing to take endorsements from the very unions that they will be asking to make concessions and/or face layoffs?  I'm not saying that police and fire aren't doing a good job.  I wouldn't trade places with them.  But the fact remains that the largest cost in the City budget is personnel and Public Safety is the largest personnel cost.

While Dyster and Company bemoan the loss of casino revenue, the fact remains that expenditures need to be looked at.  Dyster's budget did nothing to reduce spending.  In fact, it's my understanding that raises were given to non-union employees.  Doesn't make sense to me.

City residents know the track record of Touma  & Grandinetti when it comes to making any cost reductions.  But where are Pascoal and Kennedy?  Are they willing to make the tough decisions, even if it means going to their union benefactors and asking them for cost concessions?  It would seem to me that billboards aren't cheap.  Neither is the tax increase being proposed by Dyster, along with the dismal financial situation facing Niagara Falls.  Everyone deserves to be paid for the work that they do and there's no question that police and fire have dangerous jobs.  Unfortunately, the gross mismanagement on the part of Dyster and his loyalists has led to some difficult decisions that need to be made which will require public safety personnel to be willing to do their part to save Niagara Falls from financial disaster.  However, it's up to elected officials to reach out to them and one has to wonder whether Pascoal and Kennedy will be able to do that.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Dyster & Company At It Again

Well you can't fault Paul Dyster for continuing the sleight of hand way of running the City as he continues to get elected.  Of course, if that ego-maniac Glenn Choolokian would have stayed out of the General Election, John Accardo would be our Mayor.  But, that's crying over spilled milk.  Now, Dyster is banking on getting his 2 rubber stamps, Touma & Grandinetti, re-elected along with the Fire Dept's chosen candidate, Bill Kennedy elected in November.  The sad thing is that Dyster can come out on top again.

In spite of a scathing report from the State Comptroller, Tom DiNapoli, there doesn't seem to be much outrage at the financial state of Niagara Falls.  Has the local newspaper said anything?  Curious as to who the Niagara Gazette will endorse.

In any other place, the local newspaper would be ripping the current Administration and its allies on the City Council for the blatant financial malfeasance that has taken place throughout Dyster's time in office.  Yet, word is that the Gazette is in Dyster's hip pocket and want the status quo to continue.

The other problem are the candidates on the Republican slate for City Council.  Bob Pascoal ran a credible race 2 years ago for Mayor in the Republican primary and has a good chance in taking one of the 3 seats, hopefully knocking Grandinetti out.  But Chris Voccio and Sam Archie may have a problem winning in November.  Give Voccio credit for waging a heavy door-to-door campaign as some relatives of mine have told me that Mr. Voccio has been to their home twice.  But there are those who have an issue with the fact that Voccio is a carpetbagger.  Someone who just recently came to the City and has some very conservative views on issues that really have nothing to do with being a city councilman.  To me it's a nonsense argument but I'm just saying what's out there and what is being spewed by the Dyster camp.

As far as Mr. Archie goes, while he has been very active on social media, not sure how active he has been going door-to-door.  Moreover, it is my understanding that he has lost numerous times when running for office and is viewed as being unelectable.  Again, that's what Dyster & Company are saying.

A low turnout helps the Dyster crew and will ensure more of the same at City Hall.  I'm not sure if the State Comptroller could come in and mandate a control board.  Absent that possibility, unless people get out and vote, Dyster & his minions will continue to spend away at the taxpayers expense.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Ezra Scott is NOT a victim

There has been a number of people on social media claiming that the arrest of Councilman Ezra Scott was a set-up.  The conspiracy theory goes that Scott's rise to prominence in Niagara Falls politics was a threat and he needed to be brought down.  What made it more important is Scott is black and this is another example of racism in Niagara Falls.  Interesting theory but let's examine the facts.

While I don't live in Niagara Falls, my wife has family who live there and they voted for Ezra Scott for city council in 2015.  They were not alone as Scott was either the top vote getter or had the second most votes in 35 out of the 37 election districts in Niagara Falls.  People voted for this young man because he is bright and presented himself as someone who was concerned about the city and seemed like a breath of fresh air.

In fact, Niagara Falls elected Charles Walker numerous times and (from what I have been told by my barber) elected Andy Walker to the City Council.  Walker was a top vote getter as was Scott.  Just last year, Niagara Falls voters elected Earl Bass to the Board of Education.  Charles Walker, Andy Walker, Earl Bass are all African-Americans as is Ezra Scott.  The claim of racism being behind the councilman's arrest is bogus.

What makes it more ridiculous is that this isn't the first time that the councilman has been stopped for DUI.  The difference this time was that there was property damage.  The other times were swept under the rug because he is a councilman.

Councilman Scott has changed from Candidate Scott.  While Candidate Scott was able to connect with all areas of the City as evidenced by his vote totals in 35 of the 37 election districts, Councilman Scott appears to have decided that instead of building bridges its more important to destroy them.  How about the raised fist at the City Council meeting?  It's an insult to Tommie Smith and John Carlos because Councilman Scott never has experienced what African-Americans experienced back in the 60's.

It's been reported that when the councilman got out of his car after being stopped, he had his hands raised saying, "Don't shoot".  Really!!! What an insult to the police officers at the scene.  As a councilman, if Scott believes that Niagara Falls Police treat non-white people differently then why doesn't he meet with the Mayor and the Police Chief and get to the bottom of this.  The reason is that Scott's declaration upon being stopped is more about theatrics than reality.  But it didn't end there as upon being brought to the police station, the Councilman declared, "Black Lives Matter."  I see, now Councilman Scott is Michael Brown.

Unfortunately, the arrest of Councilman Ezra Scott had nothing to do with some vast conspiracy.  Quite frankly, those spewing this crap have a highly inflated opinion of the councilman.  The fact is that Councilman Scott is the only one responsible for what happened on that night.  Those people who "stand with Ezra" maybe should be working to get this young man some help to overcome what appears to be a drinking problem and stop pointing fingers at others.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Pelosino: Man of the People or Hypocrite

Nick Pelosino is an announced candidate for Niagara Falls City Court Judge.  He faces Alan Roscetti and James Faso in what will be this year's hotly contested race in Niagara Falls.  On his facebook page, Mr. Pelosino indicates that he will not look for any party endorsements because he believes that judges need to be apolitical.  This is really a noble concept however Mr. Pelosino's recent actions tell a different story.

In looking at campaign contributions over the last few years, Mr. Pelosino donated thousands of dollars to a Supreme Court Candidate.  He also has made significant contributions to the local Democratic and Republican parties, including underwriting a Niagara Falls fundraiser for Congressman Brian Higgins.  For someone who believes that judges need to be apolitical, one could see that Mr. Pelosino's donation history would indicate that he was paving the way for some endorsements when he made his run for public office.  A classic case of "pay to play" which seems to have dominated our political process.

There is nothing wrong with Mr. Pelosino's making campaign contributions.  But what is wrong is misleading the voting public by trying to make people think that you are above politics.  People want their judges to be honest and it appears that Mr. Pelosino's actions don't match up with his words.  Just what we don't need in a judge.