Saturday, July 27, 2013

Residents of Niagara Falls: You're Doomed

Haven't posted in awhile as the responsibilities of being a dad for a newborn has kept me quite busy but the recent controversy over the Hamister hotel proposal has inspired me because the whole episode is a crying shame.  A developer wants to spend over $20 million dollars to develop a piece of property that people tell me has sat idle for nearly 20 years and now is being spurned by the Gang of Three.  Of course, their opposition is to protect the city's taxpayers.  What a bunch of crap!!  It's all about the continuing battle that has gripped Niagara Falls: the Gang of Three vs Dyster.

The Gang of Three, Glenn Choolokian, Sam Fruscione and Bob Anderson, last year criticized the Mayor for not being supportive of the Wallenda Walk.  They said that Dyster was sending a terrible message to developers.  Of course, there were many who said that Dyster wasn't happy with the Walk because Senator Maziarz was behind it.  Now, we have Mark Hamister saying that if the City wants to hold him up for more money he will pull out.  In an editorial this week, the Buffalo News blasted the Gang of Three saying that their actions send a terrible message to developers.  Now, Maziarz says that the Gang is not opposed to the project just have questions.  Really??

When will these politicians put their petty personal differences aside for the benefit of the people they represent??  I am so sick and tired of the negative nonsense that is spewed by our politicians and the likes of the Niagara Falls Reporter and the internet TV show by some guy by the name of Sal Paonessa.  Niagara Falls will never pull itself up if people don't start being positive and willing to put their political crap and small-minded thinking aside.  I don't live in Niagara Falls but I realize that it should be a jewel that fuels the entire County.  This will never happen as long as we keep on electing the same people who are more concerned with their own agendas than those of the people they represent.

1 comment:

  1. Let Hamister walk. There's more where he came from. He's a freeloader who always tries to sup at the public trough. Only this time, he got caught before he got his fingers in the cookie jar. Kudos to the council!
